Think about your house and how often your little angles accidently pull too hard on a doorknob or maybe are trying to "help" and you're suddenly faced with repairing a window. Think of all the tiny finger prints that are placed without a thought as the kids in your home go through their day growing, learning, and just being kids (no matter how many time "get your hands off the wall" echoes through your home). Now, multiply that by fifteen to twenty-five.
It's a little staggering to think of, but that's what we do everyday! Sometimes it's a little harder because one of our main goals at The Refuge is try to keep the house looking like a we forego the industrial for the homey. We try to instill a sense of pride in the kids...a pride in themselves and a pride in the home where they live. We battle against the ideas that money defines your worth and that if you're not wealthy there is no reason to even try to make your home look nice. Check out our list of some of our current projects we're working on or we really want to start, and then click that button there in the middle to become part of the team that keeps the house lookin' good (and functional) |
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