At The Refuge,
we believe...
...children deserve to be protected is the best place for children to grow and develop
...sometimes families of origin are not safe
...children are better served in a home environment
...the “before” isn’t the definition of WHO we are, it is something that happened TO us
...the most important relationship we can encourage people in is with God
...God created us to be whole in spirit, mind, and body
...full healing comes from God
...healing also can come through God using therapy and having a safe place and secure relationships is one of the biggest keys to escaping cycles of abuse, poverty, and addiction
...the trajectory of an entire family can be changed by one generation being healed
...repeated enough times, a city can be changed by healing people
...healing just one child can change a country is the best place for children to grow and develop
...sometimes families of origin are not safe
...children are better served in a home environment
...the “before” isn’t the definition of WHO we are, it is something that happened TO us
...the most important relationship we can encourage people in is with God
...God created us to be whole in spirit, mind, and body
...full healing comes from God
...healing also can come through God using therapy and having a safe place and secure relationships is one of the biggest keys to escaping cycles of abuse, poverty, and addiction
...the trajectory of an entire family can be changed by one generation being healed
...repeated enough times, a city can be changed by healing people
...healing just one child can change a country
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Who We Are
We believe that God puts us in families with plans that He’s had for us since before the foundations of the earth were laid. We also believe that we live in a fallen world and that sometimes those families of origin that God placed us in are not safe…either for a period of time, or until we are ready to enter into the world and into our calling.
We started The Refuge in 2014 so that children who can’t be in their family of origin would have a safe place to live. The mission that God has given us is to come alongside these children who live in poverty, abuse, and rejection and offer love, security, acceptance. Our mission is to walk alongside those who can’t take care of themselves and usher in the healing that God has for them, replacing memories from the “before” with a hope for the future.
Based on three foundational beliefs: God, Family, and Education, we provide a holistic approach to trauma-informed care. We believe that the most important relationship that we can introduce the children to is one with God, that they understand the value they have simply because they were born. We believe that relationships bring healing and we know that through modeling healthy family relationships and interactions we can give children a new example of what living in a healthy family looks like. We know that education is a major key to escaping the environment that fosters the repetition of cycles of abuse, poverty, and addictions.
Based on those three foundation beliefs, we created a new model of the traditional “orphanage”. We purposefully strive to provide an environment that is less like an institution and more like a family home where the children learn what healthy relationships look. As in any healthy family, we are constantly addressing the spiritual, physical, emotional, social, and mental needs of the children by providing a safe home, medical and psychological care, and education wrapped in love and traditions that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.
Within our home, our children also learn to explore their faith in God and use a biblical world view in making life decisions. We are making a difference in Mexico by raising strong independent children with a love for their country and an even greater love for God. Our mission is to prepare them to enter the world as successful young adults grounded in their faith and ready to make a difference.
Click on a link below to see more details on our three foundational beliefs.
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